This is the best toxin eliminator. The detox works by removing heavy metals, partially oxidized fats, unassimilated protein, cholesterol deposits, uric acid, plaque, lactic acid, parasites, and more. A series of treatments provides an efficient and painless way to remove the toxins by generating a mix of positive and negative ions which attach themselves to oppositely charged impurities and eliminate them through the pores of the feet by osmosis. Following a series a treatments, you will have an extraordinary release of toxic material leading to health and increased energy. This unit is specific for fatigue, heavy metal poisoning, mold poisoning, allergies, stress, bruising, stiffness due to lactic acid build up, ADD/ADHD, autism, arthritis, or weight gain.
The meaning of the colors and objects found in the water during the bath:
* Yellow-green: detoxifying from the kidney, bladder, urinary tract, female/prostate cancer
Orange: detoxifying from the joints
* Brown: detoxifying from liver, tobacco, cellular debris
* Black: detoxifying from liver, gallbladder
* White Foam: mucous from lymph
* White cheese like particles= most likely yeast
* Black Flecks: heavy metals
* Red Flecks: blood clot material
TREATMENT: $50 each or 3 for $100
We provide an herbal plan for your animal with the understanding that the whole body has been affected. Equal importance will be given to the body, mind & spirit!
Phone consultations available. $100 each or $150 for initial consultation with a follow-up. We provide an herbal plan for you with the understanding that the whole body has been affected. Equal importance will be given to the body, mind & spirit!